I have this one colleague who talks excessively every day. He keeps talking to me, even when I'm busy or not really in the mood for small talk. He opens topics that I find uninteresting, like his family, the food he's eaten, what he does, and more topics you can think of. I'm naturally passive when it comes to communication and talking because I find it challenging to think of the right words to use when speaking in English, and it's mentally exhausting to compose sentences in my mind. Hahaha.
I simply prefer to focus on my own tasks without being
interrupted, just as I never initiate a conversation with them. I've constantly
struggled when this person sits in front of me. I don't want to be rude and
completely ignore him, but I do tend to have a rather neutral expression on my
face to subtly convey that I'm not particularly interested. However, it seems
this person is oblivious to these cues and continues talking.
Sometimes I wonder if he has a fixation on excessive
talking, perhaps stemming from some form of neglect during his early years that
might explain why he behaves this way.
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